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Red Dead Redemption 2 fans stunned to learn they've been dealing with bears all wrong

Red Dead Redemption 2 fans stunned to learn they've been dealing with bears all wrong

Do you dare to tangle with a bear?

Bears are a point of interest on the internet right now, mainly because women are declaring they’d rather be trapped with one than with a man.

But what if you’re Arthur Morgan and you’re facing down a bear in Red Dead Redemption 2?

Turns out, the way we’ve been dealing with bears is all wrong.

Obviously, if you’ve stumbled upon the new mythical creature fans are just learning about, this advice we’re going to give will be redundant.

Let's hope you don't end up on our next RDR2 wins and fails list when your meeting with a bear goes horribly wrong...

Assuming it is indeed a bear in your way, have you tried staring it down?

We know that sounds like a deadly game to play, but Rockstar Games’ attention to detail has seemingly included this option as a means to subdue our grizzly friends.

In a video where one player demonstrates this technique, we see the bear size up Arthur, then leave him be when he doesn’t move.

Others who’ve tried this in their own playthroughs can confirm this is genuine.

“I can confirm this works it's not a glitch or anything,” posted one YouTuber. “[It’s] pretty scary when you do it.”

Although this is fantastic news for those of us who laugh in the face of danger, there are times when staring into the eyes of a bear won’t work.

“Quick reminder, this won't work for legendary grizzly bear,” pointed out another fan. While someone else joked, “Can confirm this does NOT work in real life. RIP Brian, you looked cool for a sec though bro... you looked cool.”

Poor Brian.

The next time you meet a bear while wrangling your enemies, maybe try the non-violent approach first. Unless it’s a legendary bear, then maybe it’s time to run or shoot.

Whatever you do, don’t follow Brian’s example.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: Red Dead Redemption 2, Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar Games, Take-Two, PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Steam