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'World Of Warcraft Classic' PvP Battlegrounds Have Gone Live

'World Of Warcraft Classic' PvP Battlegrounds Have Gone Live

Catch these magic hands.

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

World Of Warcraft Classic proved itself an instant hit when it finally launched in August. The long-requested vanilla servers gave old-school WoW fans the chance to get back to basics and party like it was 2004. Except most of us are grown ups now and can stay up all night doing raids without our mums sending us to bed. It truly has been a dream.

Since then, Blizzard has been gradually adding new content to the game. Just, you know, not so much that it takes away from the entire point of Classic. It's surely a tricky balancing act for the company, but this latest update should please everyone. The very first PvP Battlegrounds Zones are available now (like, right now).

WoW Classic Battleground /

"While players on PvP realms have been progressing through the Honor System ranks clashing at key points of conflict around Azeroth, these instanced Battlegrounds will provide players on any type of realm with structured opportunities to earn meaningful amounts of Honor and help them climb the PvP ranks," Blizzard wrote in a press release.

Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley are the two new arenas upon which players will be able duke it out in WoW Classic. Each offers a slightly different competitive experience for us to sink our teeth into.

The first, Warsong Gulch, is a 10 vs 10 capture the flag battleground. Blizzard explained in a blog post that the first team to capture three of the opposing team's flags wins the match, and earns Honor toward their PvP ranking. You'll need to be at least level 10 to join in on the fun at this battleground. You'll also to have to visit the battlemaster in one of the capital cities to queue.

World of Warcraft /

Those looking for something a little more intense can step into the Alterac Valley arena. Blizzard describes this one as a "40 vs 40 grudge match to see who will come out on top," in a battle to gain ground from your opponent that combines PvE and PvP objectives.

"You'll control key locations such as mines, towers, and graveyards," Blizzard explains. "Which will help you push further into the map toward the main objective - the opposite faction's general Vanndar Stormpike for Alliance and Drek'Thar for the Horde. You can make this task easier for you and your team by destroying enemy towers and killing the elites guarding the generals.

"You'll also be able to turn in resources that can be looted from mobs and players that can be turned in to gain additional bonuses and aid to your side's cause of crushing the enemy."

WoW Classic Battlegrounds /

Earning reputation within Alterac Valley will open up access to new rewards. You'll also be able to take on a variety of new quests within the battleground to earn further rep.

You'll need to be at least level 51 to get involved with this battleground, and once again will have to seek out a battlemaster to queue up. Go get stuck in, then.

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Topics: Blizzard, World of Warcraft, PC